The Whispering Wind
Baby Loss Awareness Week
9th to 15th October 2024
Beckett House,
Defence Academy
of the United Kingdom.
A commemorative installation and garden of reflection for military connected parents who have experienced pregnancy, baby and child loss.

At 10:00, on Wednesday 9th of October in the presence of a few bereaved family members, ‘The Whispering Wind’ commemorative installation was formally opened and blessed by the Defence Academy Station Chaplain, Revd. Rob Church. A minute’s silence followed, honouring the memory of all the babies and children in our community whose lives were tragically brief.
Revd. Church then offered up a prayer that we feel will resonate with people of all faiths and none:
“God of love, creator of life, carrier of hope, make your presence known among us. Enable us to be brave in our remembering, honest in our sorrow, and open in our love and compassion to each other. Help us to seek not so much answers to our questions, but rather the patience to mourn and grieve. Enable us to remember with joy the lives of those we have loved. Send us your peace. Amen”
To the bereaved families, on behalf of everyone involved in this event, we send you our love and hope that this shared space is a comfort to you.
Hannah, Lyndsay and Rebecca
Always near, always remembered
